• With a background in floral design and years of working weddings and events, we’ve seen the importance that lies in the details. The smallest detail can make things feel so special, and can be what completely enhances the overall feel.

    Tiny Hours

    refers to the “wee hours” of the night. It’s the part of the party where it’s just you and your close friends as the excitement winds down. The candles have melted down, dirty wine glasses are in the sink and the leftover nibbles are on the table. An evening of good conversation and ending with grabbing that last bottle of champagne.

    It’s rooted in the good feeling of gathering and all the elements that come together to create that. Our growing collection of housewares will be all the details you may need for gathering (or gifting!).

“Use the good candles”

is about using the special-occasion things for everyday use. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party, or your friend dropped in for a glass of wine, or you’re having your first meal on the floor in your new house– all the little moments are worth celebrating and making that much more special by using the good stuff