Florist Series: Cosmos Floral

Florist Series: Cosmos Floral

Meet, Sydney

Sydney started her floral journey organically by designing in her free time from her career in marketing. But as she grew as a designer, she realized this was an opportunity to create a unique floral business combining all of her passions. Her use of color theory, and flower selection creates one-of-a-kind designs, tailored to each of her clients.

In addition to her complex and interesting designs, she is also a sustainability queen. She focuses on foam-free, non toxic designs, sourcing locally grown flowers, and composting. ALSO, she’s a MN state fair blue ribbon champion, which is such a flex.


I was so excited to see Sydney’s interpretation of a table scape with our candles and it is the yummiest Spring table. A mix of tulips, muscari, hellebore, lilac, pieris, and frittilaria made for the perfect complement to our tapers in Denim.


Read more about Sydney below and check out her work here

What’s your favorite part about being a florist?

The creativity and working with nature. Creating something that can be beautiful and move people through a fleeting art form can be really rewarding and special. Plus who doesn't love looking at flowers most days???


Did you always know you’d have a creative career? Or how did it find you?

I didn't! It actually wasn't until 2022 when I finally found floristy that I realized I always have been a creative person and I could make it a career. I used to work in marketing, mainly in social media doing various jobs, and that taught me a lot but it was definitely soul-sucking, which is why I started looking for alternative career paths—and now here I am! A full business owner and fulltime floral designer. 


Where do you draw inspiration from?

It sounds cliche, but the seasons. Every season truly has something beautiful to show us, and I love embracing that. And then outside of the seasons, I draw a lot of my inspiration from the dutch masters—the way the painted florals and fruit and everything else really moves me. 


What’s your fav part about Spring?

Nature slowly waking back up, you can feel the shift in energy. Not to mention spring flowers!! Tulips! Daffodils! Lilacs! 


Your must-have toolbox item(s):

Snips (duh). Paddle wire, zip-ties, lighter, and a huge bottle of water (lol). 


What’s a routine or ritual you do everyday?

Probably drinking my coffee in bed while cuddling with my kitty as I mentally prep for the day. 


What 3 words describe your design style?

Whimsical, Avant Garde, and Garden


What’s your go-to post setup meal?

Tacos or pizza probably, but really anything salty and savory. And preferably a beer or a margarita too. 


What’re you listening to on design days?

It really depends on my mood, but I throw on Beyonce, some old school outlaw country, folk, 70s classics, or some pop. 


What’s your spirit flower?

I think it might be too cliche to say Cosmos since that's the flower I named my business after. But that's definitely one. But like a fun color, like apricotta. They're the best locally grown and they're so fun. I've also learned so many people either love them or hate them, which I feel is right for me. If I picked another flower outside of that? I would maybe say an avant garde tulip! She's got layers, she opens up over time, she can be the star or a supporting role. Tulips also prefer the cold, and honestly same. 


How do you unwind?

Hang out with my friends and partner. Also spending a slow morning the day after a wedding while eating a late breakfast on the couch watching a nature documentary really hits the spot. If it's a heavy admin day or week, then spending time in my garden. It's nice to see all the love you put into something grow. 

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